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All you need to know about Web CSS

Daisy-chain (in the English cascade style sheets), is a language that is used to define the template of a structured document written in HTML or XML (and) by extension XHTML CSS style sheets. The W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) is responsible for the formulation of the specification of the style sheets that are the standard for browser or user agent. The idea behind the development of CSS is to separate the structure of a document from its presentation. For example, the HTML . older versions of HTML allowed extra cost attributes in the open label formatting (such as color or font size). However each . When CSS is used,. . Specify the type of information, separately in a style sheet, as must be . Style information may be added as a separate document or in the same HTML document. In the latter, the case could define general types in the title of the document or in any particular tag by using the type attribute. CSS provides three different ways to apply style guidelines to a Web page: an external style sheet, is a style sheet that is stored in a different file to the file, the HTML code of the Web page stores. This is the way to set more efficient because it completely separates the formatting for the HTML page of the basic structure of the page directives: A style sheet that is internal, a stylesheet that is embedded within an HTML document. (Going right within) . ) Receives in this way the benefits of separating the information from the type of the HTML code itself. You can choose to copy the embedded style sheet on a page to another (this possibility is difficult to implement if you want to store the synchronized copies). Generally the only time that a style sheet is used internal, is it, if you want to make a Web page in a single file available all possible properties for example, if you send something to the Web page. A type of line (inline) is a method to the language of the page types directly within an HTML tag to use. This approach is not entirely appropriate. Embedding which is description of the formatting in the document on the Web page, the level of the code, there is a long, lengthy and inelegant way to solve the problem of the programming of the page. This way the function could be used occasionally quickly if she introduce a formatting in a hurry,. It is not the whole light or structured that it should be, but it works. This is the method that is recommended for plan in HTML emails. The advantages of using CSS (or other type of language) are: centralized control over the appearance of a Web site complete with, what considerably accelerates the same update. Browser allow users to their own local stylesheet to specify to which is applied to a Web site, thereby considerably zunehmenzugänglichkeit. For example people with visual impairments can configure their own style sheet to increase the size of the text or highlight more links. A page can be different style sheets have according to the device, to the present, or even the choice of the user. For example, appear to be printed on a portable device or you are read by a speech synthesizer. The HTML document itself is clearer to understand and gets significantly to reduce its size (as long as it is not primarily used). Before CSS existed, are the only form of spatially one side was the use of tables. Although it, using an element with certain semantics a technical comfortable and a versatile is which is the tabular ausdrücklichinformationen only by its effect on the appearance. The introduction of CSS has in many cases replace the use of tables allows. However to achieve, not to allow CSS even the versatility offered tables, a plan of a complicated page tends to be even the task a difficult task in CSS and the differences between the difficult browsers. Will solve the future developments in CSS3 expected to make a verwendbarere language of equality this deficiency and CSS.
css html, html php, slovreme.net, Angleško slovenski slovar, Weather Pogoda

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    publikované: 15.12.2011 08:11:58 | autor: CAPESSIN- JENNY_O (e-mail, web, neautorizovaný)
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